Japanese Speaking Introductory Linklater Voice Technique

Date:September 25-October 1 2022


There are 6 early bird places at £975 once those places are filled the price will revert back to £1175 per workshop place.

先着6名までは、1175ポンドの受講料が、975ポンドに割引 になります。

This workshop will be led in Japanese only, no English translation



The workshop begins with exercises designed to awaken a sensory and imagistic relationship with voice. The progression of exercises leads from physical awareness (locating tension and releasing it) to awareness of natural breathing, the experience of sound in the body, the release of tension in the throat, jaw, tongue and soft palate, the development of resonating power in the chest, the mouth and the face, the accompanying development of breathing power, the exploration of range throughout two to three octaves of speaking notes and, finally, to articulation.

The workshop gives a practical, experiential overview of the voice work for actors known as Freeing the Natural Voice. This work is extensively laid out and explained in the 2006 edition of Kristin Linklater’s book Freeing the Natural Voice: Imagery and Art in the Practice of Voice and Language. The overall function of the work is to remove the physical and psychological blocks that inhibit the human vocal instrument. The objective of the work is a voice in direct contact with emotional impulse, shaped by the intellect but not restricted by it. Once the voice is free it can connect viscerally with language, transforming communication and interpretative skills.

Be aware that exercises include adapted yoga position, floor relaxation, arm swings and other physical activities. All these can be adjusted to individual physical needs.







Lead Teacher/s 主導教師

Noriko Tosaka  – Noriko’s Linklater Teaching profile

登坂倫子Noriko’s Linklater Teaching profile

Format 使用

The workshop runs across the core teaching days of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. These days start at 9 am and finish around 6 pm.
Thursday is a day off for sightseeing around Orkney or rest. Lunch and dinner are not provided that day. You may cook for yourself or eat out at a restaurant. Thursday’s plans will be arranged once you are here. If you opt for the escorted trip this will be using the Centre’s minibus for travel. The evening meal will be served at around 6.30 pm.


Bring: 持ち物

Loose clothing for work. No belts. No jeans.


Up to 20 lines of a memorised text that has special meaning for you. This can be a poem or a dramatic speech from any period, or any prepared text that serves your purpose (e.g 3 minutes of a speech or lecture). If Japanese is not your first language, then the text can be in your own language – bring a Japanese translation.


Food and Accommodation 食事と宿舎

You will be housed at the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre in our purpose-built Bothy. All rooms are single occupancy with shared toilet/shower facilities.

Mealtimes are communal. Lunch and dinner are cooked by our own chef. We cater for dietary considerations including the following: gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan and lactose intolerant. We regret to say that we are unable to accommodate more complex dietary requirements. For additional food information please see our FAQs.

宿舎はクリスティン・リンクレターボイスセンター内に専用に作られたBothy(ボスィー)と呼ばれる所になります。 全室1名利用で、トイレ及びシャワー設備は共用です。

食事は共同です。 昼食と夕食は専属シェフが調理します。 グルテンフリー、ベジタリアン、ビーガン、乳糖不耐症などの食事に関する考慮事項に対応しています。 残念ながら、あまり複雑な食事の要件には対応できません。 追加の食品情報については、よくある質問を参照してください。  FAQs .

Residential workshops at the Centre are fully residential offerings only. No camping facilities are available. The residential experience at the Centre is based on the participants learning, sharing, creating, and working individually and collectively.


Arrivals and Departures 到着と出発

Sunday Arrivals: We anticipate your arrival on Sunday, sometime in the afternoon is good as this ensures you are present for the Welcome Dinner at 6.30 pm. We shall collect you and take you up to the Centre on Sunday at a time suitable to coordinate in with the other arrivals. (Please note travel times: 45 mins from the airport, 20 mins from the ferry)


Saturday Departures: These will be after breakfast or earlier if required and we will arrange to transport you to the ferry/airport or drop you off at your local accommodation. 


Travel Arrangements 旅行手配

For more information on how to get here, please contact our local and reputable travel agency Scapa Travel, advising them that you are travelling to Orkney to stay at the Voice Centre.

ここに来る為の詳細については、地元でも評判の良い旅行代理店Scapa Travelに連絡し、オークニー諸島まで行き、リンクレターヴォイスセンターに滞在する旨を伝えてアドバイスを受けてください。 

Should you wish to arrive in Orkney early, or to stay on after your workshop finishes, we recommend you use Orkney.com or another online accommodation site to make your personal arrangements.


Information on Current Covid guidance for travelling to Scotland and International travel to Scotland. can be found using these links. 

スコットランド国内へ及び海外からスコットランドへの行に関する現在のコロナウイルスについての説明に関する情報は、これらのリンクから見つけることができます。Current Covid guidance for travelling to Scotland  International travel to Scotland

Please note we cannot answer specific individual questions on travel and recommend you contact Scapa Travel with any such queries. 

旅行に関する特定の質問にはお答えできませんので、そのような質問がある場合はScapa Travel にご連絡してください。

Please ensure that when making your travel arrangements you have suitable insurance to cover any other losses associated with your trip as KLVC and the course organiser cannot take any responsibility for any additional costs.


COVID-19 Regulations – PLEASE READ


We are closely monitoring and adhering to Government and local guidelines and will advise you of specific local requirements prior to the commencement of your workshop. It is your personal responsibility to ensure you meet the requirements for travel to and from Scotland. Information on Current Covid guidance for travelling to Scotland and International travel to Scotland. can be found using these links. 

私達は政府と地域のガイドラインを注意深く監視し、遵守しており、ワークショップの開始前に特定の地域の要件についてアドバイスします。 スコットランドへの往復旅行の要件を確実に満たすのはあなた個人の責任になります。 スコットランド内の旅行およびスコットランドへの国際旅行に関する現在のコロナウィルスのガイダンスに関する情報。 これらのリンクをから見つける事ができます。Current Covid guidance for travelling to Scotland International travel to Scotland.


If you are travelling to Orkney from within the UK, KLVC is requesting that workshop participants be fully vaccinated. This is so that a duty of care is maintained to your fellow international workshop participants, your tutor(s) and KLVC team members and our local Orkney community. In making a workshop booking, you are confirming that you understand and respect this request. A definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ as determined by the Scottish Government may be found here.

英国内からオークニー諸島に旅行する場合、KLVCはワークショップ参加者にワクチン接種完了を要求しています。 これは、国際ワークショップの仲間、講師、KLVCチームのメンバー、および地元コミュニティに対する注意義務を維持するためです。 ワークショップの予約を行う際には、この要件を理解し、守れるかを確認して下さい。 リンクからスコットランド政府によって決定された「完全ワクチン接種」の定義が確認できます。 here

Cancellation Policy キャンセルについて

If you cancel more than 30 days before the workshop start date, a 100% refund will be provided. *


If you cancel within 30 – 14 days before the workshop start date a 50% refund will be provided. *

If you cancel within 14 days before the workshop start date no refund will be provided.


Subject to availability, the cost of any amount not refunded could be put towards the cost of another course.


(*less transaction costs and any administration costs incurred)



KLVC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any workshop or event at any time. Should the rescheduled dates or alternative offered by KLVC not be suitable to you we shall refund any payments made by you.

KLVCは、ワークショップまたはイベントをいつでもキャンセルまたは再スケジュールする権利を留保します。 KLVCが提供する再スケジュールされた日付または代替案が貴方に適さない場合は、返金対応致します。 

Contact 連絡先

If you have any queries about the workshop please contact booking@linklatervoice.com

ワークショップについて不明な点がございましたら、お問い合わせください。 booking@linklatervoice.com



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    Noriko Tosaka

    Noriko Tosaka
    2014 designated Linklater voice work teacher
    Former Member of Takarazuka Revue company, stage
    name: “Ai Otohara”
    Completed U.S.A Los Angles Stella Adler academy of acting
    Current activity: hosts studio unseen. Organizing for
    Linklater Voice Work and Stella Adler acting. Also, plans and
    puts into practice, workshops with artists from around the
    Other: Voice Work tutorship towards the Meguro Body
    Chance Alexander technique instructors.
    Voice teaching towards numerous TV, and Film actors and
    performers. Including former Takarazuka Revue company
    Voice and performance instructing at Aoyama Gakuin
    Women’s Junior College, Tokyo Kougei University.

    Other activities:
    2010 studio unseen lab. performance: “Doubt” by John
    Patrick Shanley “Sister Aloysius”
    2013 Musical play “A Thousand Cranes” by Kathryn Schultz
    Miller “Sadako”

    2014 Takarazuka Theatre Company 70th class students 30
    year anniversary Magnolia concert
    2019 Musical play “A Thousand Cranes” by Kathryn Schultz
    Miller “Sadako” in the Czech Republic
    published: “Takarazuka” “Art of Voice” Gendaisokan

    2014年 リンクレイターヴォイスワーク国際資格取得講師 
    宝塚歌劇団出身 元星組 乙原愛
    U.S.A ロサンゼルス ステラ・アドラー演劇アカデミー卒

    現在の活動:studio unseen を主催。リンクレイターヴォイ

    東京工芸大学芸術学部 特別講師。
    2010年 studio unseenlav 公演:「ダウト」ジョン・P・
    シャンリィ作 シスターアロイシス役
    2013年 音楽劇 「禎子と千羽鶴~A Thousand Cranes
    ~」キャサリン・S ・ミラー原作 禎子役
    2014年 宝塚歌劇70期生30周年マグノリアコンサート~あ
    2019年 チェコ共和国において、音楽劇 「禎子と千羽鶴
    ~A Thousand Cranes~」キャサリン・S ・ミラー原作 禎

    2020年 世田谷区旧小坂緑地にて、カレル・チャペック作

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